New Traditional Vaquero Mecates...Horse Mane, Handmade, Top Notch

Published: Wed, 04/13/11

Buckaroo Leather Owner, John Brand, shows you How-To use and care for Quality Western Tack
  1. New Traditional Vaquero Mecates...Horse Mane, Handmade, Top notch, - 2011-04-12 19:03:06.578-04
    Buckaroo Leather has found a true Vaquero Mecate............This is our newest most unique find yet. These new mecates are top notch!!! They are made by 4th generation Mecate Makers from the Idaho Owyhee desert.They make all of their Mecates by hand from horse mane hair only. They do not believe in using cores of any kind in the center. They have used their Grandmother's traditions from the early